Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Taste of the Simple Life: MIA, Bows, and The African Mission

A Taste of the Simple Life: MIA, Bows, and The African Mission: No...I have not dropped off the map or gone MIA, I , rather we have been busy as beavers building a dam. For those of you who read my blog, ...

MIA, Bows, and The African Mission

No...I have not dropped off the map or gone MIA, I , rather we have been busy as beavers building a dam. For those of you who read my blog, my friend and I have teamed up and joined forces with "Little Dresses for Africa". The has been two of the most amazing, most reviving, most awaking months of my life. We have over 100 dresses that we are shipping to Missouri tomorrow and from that point they will be shipped freight to Africa and distributed throughout the villages. Oh, how I wish we could be there to see the faces of those precious little girls as they receive their dress. In my mind, I can already picture it and YES!, I am smiling as I blog..LOL! What's not to smile about?? BUT wait, my story gets even better...

So...all of our cloth for our missions project has been donated so far at this point and if I am figuring correctly, we will have enough to do this for at least a year or until the Lord see fit for us to continue or do something else. We have been making hair bow to help with the shipping cost and some other small costs involved. To be frank with you the hair bows just were not selling, so we decided to put the in our local consignment event this weekend. I thought this it is...WRONG!!! My sewing sister told me that those bows were in the wrong place. Well, I wanted to go jump in my car and jerk those bows right outta the consignment sale because I knew she was right. Those bows are intended for two purposes; first to minister to people and secondly to help with the African Mission Project. Those bows were doing neither of the two by hanging on a rack...DUH!?! We went to pick up our merchandise tonight and I knew I had not sold any bows because I had been tracking it for four days, but I went through the line anyway and gave my name. The gentleman said, "Sorry, nothing here for you." I replied, "Oh, I already know and everything is good", all with a smile on my face and I walked away. Then, I heard him call my name. "Wait, Wait!" Here is a check. I was thinking no way...but yes I had a check there! Boy I'll tell you what you will never never see a woman as happy as I was...$3.75! That may seem like nothing, but understand this God provided the money for us to purchase a shipping box! We were SO happy when we got back in the car; we almost had church again in the car. Oh Glory! And we had just come from Revival at church so we were already on our Jesus High.

I just can't wait to see what He does next! Ya'll have a bless week! Love and Blessings to you!