Wednesday, April 24, 2013

All Over a Cup of Nasty Coffee

This past week, I'll put it mildly and bluntly, I began experiencing some pain in my right breast and then I felt the dreaded lump like most woman and just hold their breaths not to find anything is wrong. Why am I sharing this with you? Just wait...So I at first I only told my husband and daughter and we just began praying. Then this past Monday I went to my doctor and shared the news with her and because of the location of the lump she said she felt an ultrasound would give us our answer as to what was actually going. (By the way, I think I have the best family doctor out there). Anyway, she said if it happens to be a cyst it may rupture during the ultrasound and I want you to be on a dose of antibiotics just for precautionary measures, but all in all she felt like it wasn't cancer or anything bad.

I am getting to the reason I am sharing this with the world, so please enjoy the details because without details one cannot paint the picture that is due to be painted. So, today I went for my ultrasound. I get there after being all prayed up and having all of my wonderful sister's in Christ who have been praying for me and encouraging me, I started to fix myself a cup of coffee...not really sure why...I guess to get all caffeinated on was awful and I nearly tore up the hospital's Keurig Marker...yes really. So, as I was standing there waiting to be called back. I had this little talk with God...WAIT actually it was a huge talk with God. You know one those conversations you have with Him not out of desperation or pleading, but a conversation where you just say, "Okay, God you are obviously in control if not I would not be here, so just have Your way"  those kinda talks and suddenly you have peace. Peace...Peace God's Peace...well I think you know how this ends, but if not I am gonna tell you anyway...

Zip-pity, Do-DA...Zip-pity-Day....My, Oh, My What a Wonderful Day! I was touched and healed by the One who knows me by my name, who knows every hair on my head, who created me in His on image, forgives me daily of my sins and faults... Thank you God! When the technologists and the radiologist came in there wasn't  a sign of anything but a healthy Breast. And I say I proudly!

Love and Blessings!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Like Honey To A Bee

Well...I AM BACKKK...I hope some you all missed me because I have missed blogging. Yes, really I have missed blogging; I love to write. My grammar may not always be correct nor is typing always correct...but I love to write. Some of my stories I share with y'all are serious and then others are funny as all get out. I am going to try to get back on track with my blogging because thanks to you all I have over 6,000 reader's...well that is like honey to a bee...because you see I just share what goes on in my life. I know I have thanked you before, but let me thank you again because y'all inspire me to write. 

I made the decision to leave Face Book because I found myself wanting to write and share stories which impressed upon me that it was time to start blogging again. So please stay tuned...Have a bless night!