Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Even a Real Bull Couldn't Do It

My better, my other half, my best friend of over almost twenty years has been fighting a battle... a battle with his back, in which he injured. I can sympathize with my husband, because I as well have back problems and this can throw one on his or her back cause themselves to do the only there is to do and that is..to look up.

This occurred at the end of September and he automatically contacted his doctor at the Veteran's Affair's where he receives health care after serving in the Army before we met. He got an appointment fairly quickly and was told he needed this and that, that and this and a MRI for his back, which we naturally figured. We waited and was assigned the appointments that had nothing to do with his back and were told we would be notified about the MRI. In the meantime, I have a man in lots of pain and I don't deal well when he is in pain. I honestly don't know how he deals with me because I am a wimp and whimper when I am in pain.

The VA had him on so much medicine, bless him, he did know which end was up or down. I believe they were trying to band-aid a gaping wound. I know you all have heard me use the term,"take the bull by the horns", well that I did. I started out making some phone calls telling our story and I didn't realize how pooped out with entire situation until I got off the phone and just cried and cried. I thought to myself this is, "KRAZY, KAREN!" So I straightened up and got me a real bull.

This lady is so dear to our family. She is a former military lady, but one would never know it; she stands 5'2 and is as sweet as sugar. I shared our story with her and by the next day she had been in contact with our state's Representative and the list went on. However, with ALL her hard work she told me she had never seen anything like this.

Last week, we received a call from a patient advocate from the Veteran's Affairs Hospital and our story has been heard. My husband will finally go for his MRI on Wednesday and praying it's nothing very serious, so that he may return to work when he is completely healed.

Not many people know what's been going on in our little family, I debated where to blog about this and decided yes of course because their thousand of Veteran's out there not getting the care they need and deserve in a timely manner, This needs to be addressed in a big way.

Be blessed!        

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