Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Taste of the Simple Life: Are You Ready?

A Taste of the Simple Life: Are You Ready?: Are you READY? Not talking about going to town or a trip to Wal-Mart, but if you were to die before you finish reading this post would you b...

Are You Ready?

Are you READY? Not talking about going to town or a trip to Wal-Mart, but if you were to die before you finish reading this post would you be ready to go to Heaven? This is lying very heavy on my heart tonight because we have a very dear friend who has suffered 2 heart attacks today and the next 24 hours are critical for him,but you see I know he is ready because he accepted Jesus Christ in his heart many years ago. And has had the joys of knowing what God can do in his life and has seen miracles happen - some may even think of him as a miracle because of what he has experienced in life. We all have our own stories, but tonight I know for a fact that as he lays in the hospital bed on a ventilator that I am blogging about something that would make him happy. So I ask again, are YOU ready? Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring people to God and then again it can be a single person who simply reaches out to another, but what I am basically getting at is just don't let it be too late. Love and Blessings!

John 3:16

Monday, February 13, 2012

Thanks So Much Clinique Lady

All women are beautiful whether they choose to wear make up or not. Beauty is not always what is seen on the outside of a woman- the most perfect beauty a woman can behold is within her heart and that is something no one can ever take away from her.

Okay...So, I choose to wear make up on occasion and today I was going to the department store to purchase some Clinique because I needed a few things and plus it's Clinique Bonus time, which in short just means if you spend a certain amount of money you get a free gift. Well, I am all about getting something free so the timing was perfect. I told to lady behind the counter what I wanted and the shade...and then she says,"And just how do you wear this ma'am?" WHAT?? In my mind, I am calculating I have been wearing make up for about 24 years, which is about how old you are and I am thinking,"WOW", I know she didn't just ask me that. You know when people ask you a question and the reaction shows all over your face because you can not bring yourself to say anything...my word...lol. Thanks so much Clinique lady for your input on make up, but I think I'll stick to my routine. I left the store feeling the same as when I walked in - Happy and Beautiful. It's all in what you make of it. Pardon the pun...lol:) Love and Blessings to All!

Saturday, February 11, 2012



A Taste of the Simple Life: "Family of One"

A Taste of the Simple Life: "Family of One": We all have some sorta of pass, whether it's a tragedy that ends with happy ending or perhaps vice versa. Our family went through a tragedy ...

"Family of One"

We all have some sorta of pass, whether it's a tragedy that ends with happy ending or perhaps vice versa. Our family went through a tragedy 27 years ago, leaving my cousin to be a "Family of One". He lived with us for a while as I was growing up and I thought of him as the little brother I never had. Now he has written a book entitled, "Family of One". I bought my copy Thursday, and to tell you the truth I read the book in 1 and half hour. I had to build myself to read it because I was being selfish and did not want to relive it again, but I thought of my cousin who lives it everyday of his live and so I read it. Now, I commend him for writing the book because it turned out it be such an awesome book. So if you ever have experience some sorta of tragedy in you life, "Family of One" is a wonderful book and maybe it will inspire you not to give up, allow yourself to do want the body naturally does and the slowly move on and keep a polaroid picture with you always. "Family of One" will be in bookstores beginging February 28, 2012 however if you are local you can purchase one now. http://www.traceyboggs.tateauthor.com/