Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Are You Ready?

Are you READY? Not talking about going to town or a trip to Wal-Mart, but if you were to die before you finish reading this post would you be ready to go to Heaven? This is lying very heavy on my heart tonight because we have a very dear friend who has suffered 2 heart attacks today and the next 24 hours are critical for him,but you see I know he is ready because he accepted Jesus Christ in his heart many years ago. And has had the joys of knowing what God can do in his life and has seen miracles happen - some may even think of him as a miracle because of what he has experienced in life. We all have our own stories, but tonight I know for a fact that as he lays in the hospital bed on a ventilator that I am blogging about something that would make him happy. So I ask again, are YOU ready? Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring people to God and then again it can be a single person who simply reaches out to another, but what I am basically getting at is just don't let it be too late. Love and Blessings!

John 3:16

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