Friday, May 6, 2011

The Four-Leg Table That Fed Seven

After each visit I have with my sweet Grandma's at her house, I somehow feel little bit wiser than when I first came. I consider it not not only a privilege, but a friendship to still be blessed with my Grandma at my age because at my age, some people only knew their Grandparents for a short time or perhaps not even at all. However those of you who may read this blog, I hope that you may remember times spent with your Grandma's or even be fortunate enough to have them around to hear about the times they have experienced in their lifetime and just maybe if we are wise enough we can apply those life long lessons that they learned years ago to our own lives and become a better person for it. On my visit today, I really believe that as my Grandma ages with wisdom, her eyes get bluer. She has an icy blue color of eyes that have seen many things come to pass in this world, but one thing that I can always say about my Grandma is she both beautiful inside and out. I'll be honest with you, it has taken nearly 37 years to see how beautiful she really is and what a hard worker she still is to this day, but I"ll tell you she is smart as a whip and can tell you most anything you may want to know from walking to school barefooted, to helping my Grandpa build their first house, to birthing babies, to working her fingers to the bone in the Oconee Mill, to anything to do with farming, and the list goes on. But today, took a little trip back in history with her to before she was even born perhaps. To visualizing seeing the table the my Great-Grandparents first started house keeping with- now how AWESOME is that? This table even though it may have several and I mean several coats of paint on it appeared to me to be just as strong as it was the day it was built and if I am counting correctly it has to be well over 100 years old. As she was telling the back ground of the table she alluded to the fact that this small table had at once been a table for 7 people. Now days, if we have a family of that size we think we must have at table like the have at Buckingham where you have to holler down the end of the table to just to get some salt and pepper. Well, I am here to tell you that's not true. :) I also got to see the cabinet that my Great-Grandma use to store her dishes in and and perhaps the bread she made from scratch and stored any food grown straight from the garden in another something we are all guilty of. I am not promoting everyone to bake your own bread, but maybe set out a few vegetable plants for this Summer so that we and all save a little money, which I am sure we are all about and go back in time and forget this rat-race we live and experience life again. Until next time love and prayers to all...

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