Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kitty PMS

As most you my readers know our family has 4 cats. There is Rudy and Joey who we have had for 5 years and then there is Emma and Eva who we adopted this past April as kittens. Rudy and Joey were fixed when they were kittens and  I knew in my mind that I needed to get the girl's to the vet for their appointment to be fixed. I just figured well they are just now turning 4 months old, I'll get to it after school gets started back and things get back to normal. IS there such a thing?? Well, much to my surprise....ding, ding, ding! Emma starts hissing at my 2 male cats today like there is no tomorrow. I am like what the world is going on with you little girl... Then it was like, I went back in time 2 weeks ago and started putting her symptoms together and WOW! Not my little Emmer Lou. Bless it! Sweet girl, all those male cats have to do is look her way and she'll lift her little head and hiss like a wild cat. Kitty Midol? Cat Nip? Wait cat nip might be just the thing to bring her outta her mood. OR maybe we will all sleep better tonight letting sweet baby girl hide..Until next time!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well, I just finished unpacking my last suitcase after returning from vacation. I am going to tell on myself, we have been back for 5 days and I just got around to unpacking that last case! Are you like that? LOL! Anyway, we spent a wonderful week at the beach with my sister-in-law and her family. It was such a great time to be together and just relax. However, I will add this I am one to sleep in, but something was different at the beach just about every morning I was up around 6 or so, which allowed me to finally cross watching the sunrise off my bucket list. I watch it from the very beginning from seeing the moon out to the complete sunrise and the was pretty amazing! Then one evening we took a charter boat ride to see the dolphins. OH MY GOODNESS! We went to this little town in North Carolina called Calabash. Got on the boat - let me add the family went to the top off the boat and I and thinking ...okay. So we meet our Captain- Captain Dallas and of we head go through the inlet. This as so beautiful! There was untouched wetlands and sand dunes.So awesome! Well I was ok and snapping pictures as quick as I could and then WAVES! At this point I gave the camera to my husband and grabbed the rail. Funny thing is I gave my daughter and husband motion sickness medicine before we went out and I ended up grabbing the bar :0) Anyway we are a good ways out in the Atlantic and Captain Dallas stops the boat. And tells everyone to look to the right side of the boat - the side our family was on and you could gradually feel the boat moving to the right, so what did I do? Grabbed that bar tighter! I told my husband to try to get some pictures and he did. Then the captain said look to left to see the dolphins and the boat tilted once After all this tilting, I was finally getting use to the boat and finally let go of the rail....BTW I had paint flakes on my hands LOL :) The experience was so worth it. If you ever have the chance to go for a boat ride to see dolphins ...GO FOR IT! I am now ready to go to the Bahamas on a cruise and have a chance to swim with dolphins! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall

How many of  you ever remember falling out of bed when you were a kid? My GOSH! What was the first thing we did? Well the first thing I did was scream for mama. Some how she always made things alright and wiped away the tears and I either went back to sleep with her and daddy and if I were brave enough I would go back to sleep in my bed. OK, hold on to your seats everyone...this late thirty something took a great fall out of the bed around 4:00am this morning! Oh my goodness, we have a queen size bed that sits 3 feet off the floor and down I went in my sleep. Well after 16 years of marriage, there is no mama to call for so after I gain my composer, I woke up my husband and he helped he up. Almost an hour later, I am starting to feel the effects of my tumble. Maybe I need side rails put on my side of the bed. I am sure there is some old wives tell about feeling at of the bed. Love and Blessings to all...

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Gift of Two Sisters When You Are 37

Sorry it has been a while since I have last blogged, I like many of you have had a lot going on. And I thought Summer was for relaxing....HA! Anyway, I wanted to share this awesome realization I finally after about 25 years stumbled upon. I have TWO amazing sisters! Count 'em TWO! This is a lengthy story, but I'll give you all the short version. My parents were divorced when I was in the 6th grade and then my dad remarried when I was in the 8th grade. The lady he married had two daughters. Then through the ups and downs of teenage years, then into young adulthood I grew to love his wife if she were like my own mama. She is the sweetest and one of the most Godly women I know. Then I would basically only see my "step" sisters only on Christmas and that was it. However, we have been getting together more often and talking and getting to really know each other, now that we are I think this is awesome that I now feel comfortable enough to consider them a part of me and that we are just one big family and there is no "step" to it any longer. You see I am really an only child and to finally let your own stubbornness down and realize that you have two sisters is a pretty awesome feeling. Blessing and Love to you all.....