Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kitty PMS

As most you my readers know our family has 4 cats. There is Rudy and Joey who we have had for 5 years and then there is Emma and Eva who we adopted this past April as kittens. Rudy and Joey were fixed when they were kittens and  I knew in my mind that I needed to get the girl's to the vet for their appointment to be fixed. I just figured well they are just now turning 4 months old, I'll get to it after school gets started back and things get back to normal. IS there such a thing?? Well, much to my surprise....ding, ding, ding! Emma starts hissing at my 2 male cats today like there is no tomorrow. I am like what the world is going on with you little girl... Then it was like, I went back in time 2 weeks ago and started putting her symptoms together and WOW! Not my little Emmer Lou. Bless it! Sweet girl, all those male cats have to do is look her way and she'll lift her little head and hiss like a wild cat. Kitty Midol? Cat Nip? Wait cat nip might be just the thing to bring her outta her mood. OR maybe we will all sleep better tonight letting sweet baby girl hide..Until next time!

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