Thursday, November 1, 2012

Make Sure You Keep Packing

Picture this: Me 10pm in the middle of the woods trying to call Joey down from a tree and the flashlight dies as my daughter is holding it thirty feet from me. I don't fear much expect for chickens and other things that fly, but my daughter insisted we go back and get another flashlight. We wrangled all the other cats that had followed us in search of Joey and off to the house we head to get another flashlight ( you should Google cat herding funny videos).

When we got to the house I could hear my husband from the back calling us to come in the back door. "Don't go in the front there is a skunk out there!" Holy cow! I get in the house and look out the front door and there that thing sits...proud as Pete. Not afraid of nothing- he was raiding everything he could. I snapped a few pictures because I thought it was cool at first and the suddenly on a spin of a dime everything becomes uncool- is that a word? I am not sure but you get where I am going. Rudy and the skunk have a pow-wow. The skunk starts running up the road and around in circles- we are standing at the front door thinking...what the world? Soon after that poor Rudy comes back on the porch with his face wet, some sort of liquid dripping from his whiskers, and his eyes are red - Rudy has been SPRAYED by the skunk!

About ten minutes or so everything seems to have calmed down so we decide we are gonna go get in the car and drive to where Joey is to get him out of the tree, in the process of getting in the car we spot the skunk in the yard. OH BUDDY IT'S ON NOW! Of all times be out of packing, but hey there is more than one way to skin a skunk. We let him walk on into the yard and then my husband gunned Charmin (our car)- we missed. Backed up and at this point the skunk is staring Charmin down next thing I know we go flying across the yard and are slamming on breaks at the edge of the woods. He is gone.

Okay so back down the road to get Joey. My husband is as jumpy as Mexican jumping bean and at this point rightfully so. The booger has already sprayed Rudy and escaped death by Charmin twice so this skunk out for vengeance tonight on something. Everything was going ok my daughter and I were in the car encouraging my husband to get Joey down and the all of a sudden I see the flashlight moving in the opposite direction and my husband hollering, "He is BACK!".  Gosh ya'll this was so funny my husband jumped a 4ft fence and all I could see was him getting it down the road running from the skunk.

So when we got back to the house my husband did require some band-aides and alcohol. And of course I am going to have to mend in pants. The moral of the blog... always keep packing at your house and leave skunks alone cause they will hunt you DOWN!!

Love and Blessings!

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