Friday, October 26, 2012

The Heart, Untruth, and Snuggle

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body and is an essential part of the human body to sustain life as we know it. I am going in the hospital in less than 12 hours to have my CVA (google it) checked out to make sure it is not leaking and to also make sure everything else is alright. Why am I telling you this? Well it's after 12 am and I can't have any thing to eat or drink; not that I could eat anyway, but I could drink some ice tea - I blog for therapy and because I love to write.

SO back to the heart...The "HEART" does your heart beat? I was hit out of the blue today with an untruth (not going to call it a lie because I don't like the word- even though that's what it was). Smack out of no where, you know that's where they come from- where you least expect it and from the person you least expect it from. Nevertheless, what was I going to do? Let it pass or take the bull by the horns and face it head on; I choose the latter. You know my advice is and you can take it are leave it. If you tell one untruth, well you are gonna have to back it up with another and then another and before you know it you got a bunch of lying going on...oopps! Did I say lie? LOL! Well you get the picture. Just tell the truth whether it is going to hurt or not. I had rather hear the truth and feel the pain from that rather than pain from a lie. Untruth me once shame on me, untruth me twice shame on you- or ever how the saying goes. Not taking kindly to this.

Well maybe while the doctors are working on my heart in 11 hours, perhaps maybe if it's heartbroken from my untruth today- they sew it up, if it is a little too soft in places- they can put a harder on spot, and if it's too hard- they can add some fabric softer maybe Snuggle and it will all come out in the wash.

Good Night and Love and Blessings!

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