Thursday, February 24, 2011

Will I Be There?

Today, I had a couple of my friends post a video to their FaceBook page about being faced with caring for an ageing parent. Well to tell you the truth, that video hit me like a ton of brinks. It talked about what will you do when I spill my food, say something that you don't hear and various things such as that- you get the picture. After watching the video, I cried like a baby not because I fear what the future will hold for when I need to care for my parents, but for what my parents did for me when I was a child. As you know, when people age they often regress and become child like and I only hope that I can live up to the standards that my parents have set forth as they have cared for their own parents. I immediately called my mama to tell her how much I love her and it was too late to call my daddy to let him know how much I love him, however that is the first thing I plan on doing in the morning. I just want to urge to to share your love with your spouse, children, parents, extended family, and friends with all that you are. Because when it's all said and done that's all that really matters-not how much the price of gas went up today. And to answer my question- I'll be honored to be there.

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