Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Real tuesday weld - I love the rain

This catchy little tune is from the Chevy Transverse commerical. I LOVE it! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No...I Am Not Ready, But It's Coming

My daughter attends the South Carolina Virtual Charter School. This has been our first year of being a part of the program and I can honestly say that Ashleigh loves this program. Well, just as with any other school there is a period for registration. I knew it was coming up and that I had to complete the paper work and I really wasn't that concerned. BAM! like a ton of bricks-when I seen the words "High School", I thought I was going to fall out of my chair. You see, Ashleigh has been taking 9th and 10th grade classes, even though she is an 8th grader, but there is something about that my child will be going to "High School" this coming school year has me all messed up. Call it silly, you may, but I am not so sure I am ready for this. I know to everything there comes a season of change, but in my mind, Ashleigh is suppose to still be in the 2nd grade. I called up my mama and cried- her explanation was "Buck up, every kid grows up. I went through it with you" yada, yada, yada... Well, with the up most respect to my mama, she was not my best friend growing up and she had many things going on in her life and much of that I was not a part of. I could go on and on about that, but I am not. However, I do know that I am my daughter's best friend and the situations are much different to say the least. The only way I can see fit to handle this is to put my child in some sorta time capsule and just freeze time. No I am kidding, but I do want to cherish each and every minute I have with her and when it comes her time to graduate and go to college, it is my prayer that she will take with her every ounce of advise and wisdom that I have had the pleasure of giving her. Until I blog again...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

You Fight And Win

A dear friend of mine posted on FB yesterday, a saying something about going back and rewriting life. Well, after much thought I would not go back because the events and trials that has come my way through life has developed me into the person that I am. If I had be asked several years if I could rewrite my life I would have definitely said, "YES", because I was not happy with  my life, but now it's an entirely different story. There were so many things that I thought was wrong in my life and I was fighting like a crazy woman to fix things in my life. When I was finally worn out after all the struggles of "spinning my wheels", I stopped and looked around and it was at that time that I realized how blessed I really am. We don't get to choose what kind of life we are gonna have, but we do get to choose how we are going to experience it. We can embrace life and live with our situations and except things the way they are or we can continue the relentless fight of trying to change something that's never gonna change. I thank God for all the struggles that I have gone through because without His Divine intervention in my life, I would not be here today. Now I have conquered some many things in my life that once were "Giants" to me and I no longer fear and I believe that was why I was so unhappy. We never know when we will exit this life so I try to live each day to the fullest potential and as for the past-well that's exactly what it is. I have chosen to forgive and live and most of all :)...Until next time

Monday, March 7, 2011

Giving Back

Well, the last going on three weeks has been interesting to say the least. Bradley finally had his gall bladder out today and I hope and pray this will be the solution to all his stomach problems. I can hear him snoring up a breeze in the bedroom now. I am not sure how much sleep I'll get tonight cause I have to wake time every hour or so to make sure he is ok. He does not deal with being put to sleep very well if you catch my drift. However, so far he has been such a good patient and thanking me for everything I have done for him so far.Well, this takes me back to my journey of 11 years now where I was relying on him to care for me so much as well as work full time and raise our daughter. Not many men would have went through what I have put him and my family through, however he has stuck it out in the good and the bad and to me that is true love. So now it is my duty to care for him just as he has cared for me. This coming June, Bradley and I will be married 16 years and I can honestly say that I love him more today than I did the day I married him. We may have not had much as the years have quickly passed by, but I can tell you what we do have is real, genuine love that only can be put together by God. Oh goodness, there has been times I wanted to walk away and yes at times I did, but I always came back because I knew where I belonged. Now, I'm not going to try to paint a lily white picture of our marriage because he has walked away too, but the road always leads us back to where we belong. Well, that's all for now- there may not be much expression of love in the morning when I take his catheter out, but for now I'll listen to him breathe and wake him every hour so and be the wife to him that for so many years I can't be. Until next time...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Plain and Simple

 No matter how you try to change it, phrase it, or just down right spit it out-All families ARE dysfunctional, plain and simple. There are so many people who try to portray the "perfect" family status- who's string do they think they are pulling- I mean come on, really? All I really know how to comment on this blog is be who you really are and be true to your heart cause all this fake stuff that people come up with, well in my opinion- it's gonna come back and bite them in the butt. Plain and simple....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

His Divine Healing Touch

Well, I am gonna attempt to type my thoughts, but I am not promising complete clarity and proper grammar. The past couple of weeks have been kinda strange for me health wise. You see, a week from this past Friday I woke up with a hematoma in my right eye from no apparent reason. However, I do recall a day or so prior to getting the hematoma that I was was in an extremely bad mood - Yes I have a Mood Disorder. Within about a week, the hematoma went away, however I woke up this morning with another one this time it was in my left eye. I immediately called my eye doctor and was seen shortly afterwards. Apparently, what is going on is I am having partial seizures in frontal lobes of brain. I have been seizure free since 4/09. I currently take seizure medication and have been doing well until the last couple of weeks. So in short- the altered mood, front lobal discomfort, and the hematomas are all related. I ask for your prayers. I see my doctor on Wednesday morning and have complete faith that this is gonna be gone before then. I don't want this post to seem discouraging, but I was just feeling like I was getting my life back and feeling like my ol' self. So for now no straining, bending over etc. I will trust in the Lord for His Divine healing and rebuke the devil in every way because I am a child of the Lord and I know from past experience the touch of His hand. Until I blog again....Again please excuse the spelling and grammar errors