Friday, April 29, 2011

3-4 Squirts

I'll be the first to admit the I have an addiction to Diet Coke. This is not necessarily a bad addiction compared to the many other things one can become addicted to, but I am an addict. This week my husband bought groceries and came home with a case of water and this stuff called "Mio Liquid". Well I pondered over the thought of trying it. All you do is add 3-4 squirts to your water and shake the bottle. I will tell you I am not a water drinker, but I tried this product added to my water and was amazed. It is AWESOME! So I have replaced for the most part all my Diet Cokes with "Mio Water". And I found out that even diet drinks are not good for you. I no longer feel bloated and I have less fatigue all in cutting back on diet drinks and adding water in just one week. I encourage you to try this "Mio Liquid" and see the results. My husband found it at Bi-Lo on the Kool-Aid aisle. Until I blog again, prayers and love to you all...BTW this product has no calories or sugars. AND they even have Sweet Tea flavor...YUM!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Golden Girls, Ham, and a Chicken Snake

In the South, on "Rotten Saturday", as I recall from my childhood you aren't suppose to plant gardens or do anything that really matters because it will not prosper. I am not really sure how much water this ol' wife's tell holds, but I try to go by what my Grandparents taught me growing up. So today, my daughter and I visited "The Golden Girls" and make use of our "Rotten Saturday". My daughter helped one of the "Golden Girls" paint her bedroom and I enjoyed visiting with the other two hearing childhood stories of when they were my age and how they may have lived their lives a little differently. I tried to take some mental notes for when my daughter gets to be my age I may share with her. We enjoyed a "true ham" sandwich - coming from a home cooked ham- for lunch. And for those who don't know me well - I DO NOT cook, so I was taking some mental notes on cooking a ham, too. You see for all the many years that I was sick, I could not stand the smell of cooking food (funny, I could still eat though). Thankfully, the Lord blessed me with a great Husband who did all the cooking and now MUCH to my surprise my daughter loves to cook and bake. I think kinda got of course here, but anyway to sum up our visit we met a SNAKE as we were leaving. One of the "Golden Girls" began shouting for the other to come kill it - well what does she do hands me the shovel and she takes the hoe. In my mind, I am thinking OOOKKKAAAYYY...what know?!?!? OH how I wish I had a camera with me cause I'd soon be a rich lady by submitting the video to "America's Funniest Home Videos", but unfortunately I didn't. After gaining my composure, I gave that snake a whack on it's head and then suddenly, I felt myself letting out a lot of frustration on that poor snake. But before, the snake gave into the shovel I got a good view of it's fangs. Apparently, this snake was only a "Chicken Snake", however the only good snake to me is a dead one. Below is an example of a "Chicken Snake".

Monday, April 18, 2011

In His Timing, Not Mine

Well you know we can find almost anything to praise God, but to me over this past week and a half finding something to give God praise over all the pain I was having was a very difficult task, BUT now I can shout it from the mountains tops, "Thank you, God!!". You see this past week and a half has been a horrific battle spiritual, emotionally, as well as physically, but as I have been laid on my back my times to do only one thing and that is to look up, I found the strength and grace from God to give me to make it just one more day. After each day passed, after I thought which I was gonna die (you know pain from shingles will make you think that, if you have ever had them or for that matter any pain that brings you to your knees will make you think it's your time to expire) I just held tight to the promises of God. All in a weeks time, I seen three doctor all of whom told me three different things, but I held tight and just trusting that whatever was causing me this horrific pain was gonna soon resolve itself, not by the word of doctors, but by the word of the Lord. I submerged my self in His word seeking to find sense of it all. Then Friday night, I began to plead with God to free my body of whatever was going on and release it. God saw through my tears and seen the faith that I had in Him to reveal what truly was going on in my body. Please understand that all the systems I had thus far was acute upper stomach pain and and extreme fatigue along with aches and pains, needless to say I knew something was terribly wrong with me, but was not sold out to the idea completely the I had shingles until...tonight!!! Praise God, Praise God I finally have broke out in the shingles typical rash! Now I am not about to sit her and tell you that I am not itching like a dog with fleas, but what I can tell you that I feel so much relief if you can get where I am going here with this in knowing what is wrong with my body. You know when you have one doctor say this and the other say that, it leaves to be very confused and frustrated, but when you get on the "same Party-Line" with God he is gonna reveal what's going on in His timing. So yes, I have been on antivirals to hopefully ease this part of shingles and also on a medication to help with the pain in the nerve endings. Have I already been through the calm before the storm you may ask? Or is this the beginning of hurricane, I can't answer that, but what I do know to be true is that God will bring me out of this victorious and I will claim victory in Him!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My A-HA Moment For The Week

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter and I started our tomato seeds in Styrofoam cups. Well, I have babied those little seeds by putting them outside during the day and bringing them in at night - just like a mother would do AND guess what today we have sprouts. This has been my A-HA! moment for the week. I am so proud of those little sprouts. Call it funny you may, but gosh I finally feel I have accomplished something. Now I am not naive, I know those tiny plants have a long way to go before they actually go into the ground, but for right now I am one happy lady! Someone said to me today, "Why don't you just buy some tomato plant?" Well they are rather pricey and I'm getting such gratification by know that we will be getting our food from a seed. So this Summer when I bite into a good ol' juicy tomato sandwich, I will reflect back on my hard work and be ever so thankful for what my grandparents and parents have taught me about growing vegetables. Oh don't get me wrong, this is my first year of actually doing "true" gardening for my family and I am having to go back and ask questions from my parents and I still have the pleasure of learning for my grandma, but so far it is so rewarding to the soul to see those first sprouts. I really is a shame that some kids think that vegetables come from the grocery store, but I am not going there...Until I blog again!