Monday, April 18, 2011

In His Timing, Not Mine

Well you know we can find almost anything to praise God, but to me over this past week and a half finding something to give God praise over all the pain I was having was a very difficult task, BUT now I can shout it from the mountains tops, "Thank you, God!!". You see this past week and a half has been a horrific battle spiritual, emotionally, as well as physically, but as I have been laid on my back my times to do only one thing and that is to look up, I found the strength and grace from God to give me to make it just one more day. After each day passed, after I thought which I was gonna die (you know pain from shingles will make you think that, if you have ever had them or for that matter any pain that brings you to your knees will make you think it's your time to expire) I just held tight to the promises of God. All in a weeks time, I seen three doctor all of whom told me three different things, but I held tight and just trusting that whatever was causing me this horrific pain was gonna soon resolve itself, not by the word of doctors, but by the word of the Lord. I submerged my self in His word seeking to find sense of it all. Then Friday night, I began to plead with God to free my body of whatever was going on and release it. God saw through my tears and seen the faith that I had in Him to reveal what truly was going on in my body. Please understand that all the systems I had thus far was acute upper stomach pain and and extreme fatigue along with aches and pains, needless to say I knew something was terribly wrong with me, but was not sold out to the idea completely the I had shingles until...tonight!!! Praise God, Praise God I finally have broke out in the shingles typical rash! Now I am not about to sit her and tell you that I am not itching like a dog with fleas, but what I can tell you that I feel so much relief if you can get where I am going here with this in knowing what is wrong with my body. You know when you have one doctor say this and the other say that, it leaves to be very confused and frustrated, but when you get on the "same Party-Line" with God he is gonna reveal what's going on in His timing. So yes, I have been on antivirals to hopefully ease this part of shingles and also on a medication to help with the pain in the nerve endings. Have I already been through the calm before the storm you may ask? Or is this the beginning of hurricane, I can't answer that, but what I do know to be true is that God will bring me out of this victorious and I will claim victory in Him!

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