Saturday, April 23, 2011

Golden Girls, Ham, and a Chicken Snake

In the South, on "Rotten Saturday", as I recall from my childhood you aren't suppose to plant gardens or do anything that really matters because it will not prosper. I am not really sure how much water this ol' wife's tell holds, but I try to go by what my Grandparents taught me growing up. So today, my daughter and I visited "The Golden Girls" and make use of our "Rotten Saturday". My daughter helped one of the "Golden Girls" paint her bedroom and I enjoyed visiting with the other two hearing childhood stories of when they were my age and how they may have lived their lives a little differently. I tried to take some mental notes for when my daughter gets to be my age I may share with her. We enjoyed a "true ham" sandwich - coming from a home cooked ham- for lunch. And for those who don't know me well - I DO NOT cook, so I was taking some mental notes on cooking a ham, too. You see for all the many years that I was sick, I could not stand the smell of cooking food (funny, I could still eat though). Thankfully, the Lord blessed me with a great Husband who did all the cooking and now MUCH to my surprise my daughter loves to cook and bake. I think kinda got of course here, but anyway to sum up our visit we met a SNAKE as we were leaving. One of the "Golden Girls" began shouting for the other to come kill it - well what does she do hands me the shovel and she takes the hoe. In my mind, I am thinking OOOKKKAAAYYY...what know?!?!? OH how I wish I had a camera with me cause I'd soon be a rich lady by submitting the video to "America's Funniest Home Videos", but unfortunately I didn't. After gaining my composure, I gave that snake a whack on it's head and then suddenly, I felt myself letting out a lot of frustration on that poor snake. But before, the snake gave into the shovel I got a good view of it's fangs. Apparently, this snake was only a "Chicken Snake", however the only good snake to me is a dead one. Below is an example of a "Chicken Snake".

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