Monday, April 4, 2011

My A-HA Moment For The Week

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter and I started our tomato seeds in Styrofoam cups. Well, I have babied those little seeds by putting them outside during the day and bringing them in at night - just like a mother would do AND guess what today we have sprouts. This has been my A-HA! moment for the week. I am so proud of those little sprouts. Call it funny you may, but gosh I finally feel I have accomplished something. Now I am not naive, I know those tiny plants have a long way to go before they actually go into the ground, but for right now I am one happy lady! Someone said to me today, "Why don't you just buy some tomato plant?" Well they are rather pricey and I'm getting such gratification by know that we will be getting our food from a seed. So this Summer when I bite into a good ol' juicy tomato sandwich, I will reflect back on my hard work and be ever so thankful for what my grandparents and parents have taught me about growing vegetables. Oh don't get me wrong, this is my first year of actually doing "true" gardening for my family and I am having to go back and ask questions from my parents and I still have the pleasure of learning for my grandma, but so far it is so rewarding to the soul to see those first sprouts. I really is a shame that some kids think that vegetables come from the grocery store, but I am not going there...Until I blog again!

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