Friday, August 5, 2011

Only Child, Touchy Subject, Cause Tomorrow Could Be Too Late

I am an only child. I would consider myself a hybrid-only child why? you ask- I was raised that way. My mama and daddy made sure to teach me right from wrong and to share and to NEVER eat in front of others if I didn't have enough to give to everyone. And I look back on that today and I have instilled much of my raising in my daughter, who is also an only child. There is nothing wrong with only children- it is all about how they are raised. If kids are raised to be bratty, well...there you are, you have a bratty kid and likewise if a kid is raised to be respectful and have morals well there you go.
I am saying all of this to say with the up most respect, most all of us come from blended families- that is a given in today's society. However, my problem I seem to have when partcallity is shown in the family. This is such an touchy subject with me right now. I know there is a problem, but I just pray that God will give me the strength to somehow face this because when it comes down to our children it is an entirely different ball game. Grand kids are grand kids plain and simple they should not be seen different in the eyes of grandparents just like kids are kids and should not be seen differently in the eyes of the parents. This is just my take on the way things should go. No matter how old your kids get they are still your kids and they should feel comfortable around you and the same goes for grand kids even though the age range can sometimes vary to 25 down to the age of 2 you can still find something in common with them and treasure the time that you have with each of them. Cause tomorrow could be too late. Kids change, grandchildren change and develop their own thoughts on what they see and it's hard to change those opinions and to sit there and act like everything is ok when it's not. It's not what you can buy at Christmas or how many times you get together, but it's having a relationship that is priceless. I have said what I have said out of love. May God Bless. Remember..."It is written"

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