Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two Inches With Bangs Please

Sorry it has been a few weeks since I last blogged. It has been busy around here trying to get home school started for my daughter, which she started Monday. Then my husband is in by the time I find an empty computer around the house I am usually too pooped to blogged or I have mentally blooged all day in my mind and I have nothing to say. Did I just say mentally blogged? Yes, I think we all do it....we just aren't aware of it.

Anyway, my daughter and I went to the salon this afternoon to have our hair cut and high lited. Any woman knows having that done can take awhile so, you might as well relax and forget about your worries for awhile.I was finished and was waiting on my daughter to finish up and at this point, I had ventured out into people watching (loads of entertainment). So I was watching people come and leave from the salon, but there was this one man that struck my attention. He looked to be a hard working man, who perhaps worked outside and had brought his two teenage daughters in for hair cuts.Let me tell you one thing...that man was a good daddy. He knew just what he wanted his girls to have done to their hair - about two inches off the back and bangs. BAM! Simple as that! I sat there amazed and trying hard not to gaze in their direction, but all the time I was thinking, "Gosh, he is such a good daddy!".

Now, I wonder if I could make somethings in my life as simple as that man did in deciding two inches and bangs. Something to think about. Sure would make life a little simplier. So the next time I find myself having to make decisions, I am going with two inches and bangs-just to keep things simple. Remember-"It is written",

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