Sunday, August 21, 2011

ummm...let me see...Geesh these past three weeks have been so crazy that I personally am begining to think I am going crazy. Well, crazy is as crazy does, I suppose. It has just got to be the weather, right? One thing I am trying my best to understand is the fact that you can't change people - that's a given fact. They are going to be the same way they have always been til the cows come home. So why am I banging my hand against a rock? No more - wise up girl! So if they want to have a good ol' case of the crazy's then that's all good with me because I am not resposible for them- thank goodness;-) I have road the crazy train too long and I no longer need any excess baggage. I got off at the "Long Black Train" long ago and need no part of the craziness that is going on....

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