Saturday, October 13, 2012

Do They Have a Farm?

About a month ago we had to relocate; if one can actually call it that...we only moved about 100 feet. So we have the same neighbors we have had for years, but now we are able to hear things better. Suddenly at night as we sit on the porch we can not only hear yapping of weenie dogs, if you listen closely enough you can hear a snort of a pig or horse. It's hard to distinguish, however I was walking today I believe I heard squealing, maybe? Who knows...Now my daughter tells me she heard a cow mooing from down the road. Well more on the farm to come, I feel quite sure...LOL! 

My daughter and I were sitting on the porch in the pitch black dark last night listening for the "farm animals" keep in mind all of our fur babies were accounted for because they were eying the same eyes that were staring at us. All I know is this little animal was bright eyed, black and faster than a striped snake. One shake and a holler and scoot it was GONE as were we. I may be curious my nature, but got my smarts from my mama! I allowed no time for a spot light or a picture for you all, but as Sophia would say, "Picture it: Sicily 1923", two women tripping over 4 cats to get in the house to get away from the critter...

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

It is written in red.

Love and Blessings

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