Saturday, October 13, 2012

I Choose Potato Salad

He said...she said...he came in late...she didn't do this- the list goes on and on, but when it ALL said and done, does it really matter? My friend asked me to blog for her tonight-strange request, huh? Well, that's what a friend does for one another...true friends anyway. We are lucky if we come across a few good friends in life, however if we have one awesome friend we are considered blessed. I am blessed!

Like many of you, I am from a divorced family, which seems to still continue to be the going trend from the '80's when I was a child. One thing never seems to change and that is the hurt it causes the children. Without going into much detail and to protect my friend's children, I have held those children and wiped tears from their faces and tried to offer up explanations as to why divorce happens...I have no idea. I am 38 years old and am still trying to understand the concept. We must endure the weaknesses of life so that we may be able to uphold the strong parts of life. Sometimes I wonder about way the life presents itself to us, but it is up to us as to what we do with the potato we are given. We can let it grow spuds...bake it...have mashed potatoes...or potato salad. I choose to have potato's just better that way...

It is written in red.
Love and Blessings

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