Monday, October 8, 2012

What is Your Forever?

Forever...WOW! A big word, right? But how do we in today's society define forever or do we? I am noticing here lately the word "Forever" has fallen by the wayside and no longer has it's true meaning. Teenagers often use the saying BFF...don't be shaking your head (I see you)...LOL I am up on teenager slang because I have one. Well those teenagers don't know a bit more about forever than I do about Calculus. Forever is deep stuffing. I was a teenager a long while ago and said forever and boom bada bang, God had a change for me. 

You see, I thought I was suppose to marry my high school sweetheart, but no God had far greater plans for me. However at that time all I could think about was "Forever" because it was suppose to be forever, right? You see God's plans for our life are already planned out ever before we are born because HE knows what our "FOREVER" will be in every area of our lives.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

It is written in red.
Love and Blessings

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