Friday, October 10, 2014

Bark on the Beams

Sorry it's been awhile everyone. I took a break from blogging and decided to pick it up again. I hope I will continue to have my reader's and perhaps even more. First, I am going to apologize for my grammar ahead of time because when I start blogging (talking) to ya'll I almost forget about grammar. Anyway, it's great to be back!

We moved back in late February into the house I grew up in. This house was built in the early 80's and holds a lot of sweet memories for me. Many first's happened for me in this house. Now that I am 40 years old and I look at the beams in the basement that still have the bark on the them, they are really special to me. You are thinking, "Why is bark on the beams so important?" This house was built from the wood off of my grandparent''s land. I can remember vividly many, many Saturday's the saw mill would run behind my grandparents house...I can still hear it ringing in mind. Some day's if I am in the basement I touch the bark, just to feel it. It's kinda surreal to be back home raising my family here and everyday I seem to gain a new sweet memory. Hang tight to memories they grow sweeter each day! Is this our forever home, I have no clue...but I do know that I am thankful for the bark on the beams and thankful for the roof over my family's head.


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