Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ready for the Rescue

A stubbed toe...a loss of loved one...depression...hurtful words...unsaid words,,,a broken heart...the list is endless and sometimes pain feels endless, especially if the pain is chronic and all of the above examples of pain are real. Well, maybe a stubbed toe might not qualify as chronic, but the very second one stubs his or her toe if feels dagum chronic!

Each month since the first of the year I have been having infusions for Myalgia, the doctors dropped the "Fibro" and at this moment are going with Myalgia. The infusions do me well for about 3 weeks out of the month and the on the 4th week of the month it's like having your period in a major way with lots of crazy muscle spasms.

Sunshine and I went out yesterday and had a girls's day...went thrifting...found some treasures,,,had lunch,,,and just spent much, much needed time together and it was a good day.

Now today, I am functioning to my degree of functionability, which is prescribe medicine and trying to regulate my temperature. However, at least at this point I am not in the bed, I am holding out and being strong for Sunshine, which leads me to the conversation, the very real conversation we just had.

This health issue isn't something that has just "popped" up I have been battling this 16 years, since Sunshine was 2 years old. She told me what I having been inevitably been putting off what I needed to do. Sometimes, it takes a "Sunshine" telling one what needs to go down for one to actually do it. She said, "Mama, you are almost 41 years old and some days you have to live like you are 80 and this is wrong." So, I am going to take her up on this and we are going rescue my life with God's help.

I recognize there are many people in own family that are fighting health battles and you all are in my prayers. Also, there is a young boy in our community that is fighting a rare form of cancer he is in my prayers. And all the people in silent pain, which perhaps the is the worst prayers for you as well.


  1. Let me know if I can help. Glad to see you are writing again- I just started too and saw your posts for the first time in ages. Also super neat to hear how Ashley is doing! Very cool.

  2. Thanks Hart! So glad to see you are writing again as well.Take care!
