Thursday, October 23, 2014

Love for Lachlan

Lachlan Tannery

Hey Lachlan Tannery! Lachlan loves corn dogs, sweet tea, Thomas the Train, balloons, Clemson Tigers, balls, running and playing, and of course from this picture, one can see Lachlan loves to laugh and smile.

Lachlan's parents are Jason and Mary Tannery, of Seneca, South Carolina. Lachlan and his twin brother are one month from turning 2 years old. Also, over this past Summer, Lachlan and his twin became big brothers to baby Tannery. It was this Summer that Jason and Mary received the most devastating news one can hear about their son, Lachlan.

Lachlan is suffering from Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia, also known as JMML. JMML is a rare and chronic form of Leukemia. It occurs when too many immature white blood cells called "myelocytes" and "monocytes" are made in the bone marrow. They eventually crowd out the healthy, normal cells that belong in the bone marrow. Chemotherapy will not be enough to cure Lachlan. At this point, he is having blood and platelet transfusions most every week and has already been in the hospital multiple times due to his weakened immune system.

Here is how we can help Lachlan Tannery! In order to save Lachlan, YOU have to be the MATCH. One may think well, why not just use his brother's bone marrow since Lachlan is a twin. It is not that simple. You see they are identical twins, so there is a slight chance that his twin could have JMML; however at this time his brother is not showing any signs or symptoms.

Joining Be THE MATCH is really easy:

PLEASE*** Make sure this is something you feel lead to do, if not for Lachlan; perhaps for someone else. Just one person can give life to someone who is need. 

I am leaving some more pictures of Lachlan. He is a handsome little fellow and quite the HERO for what he is going through. If you do not feel lead to join BE THE MATCH, I ask that you go to your nearest blood bank and donate blood in honor of Lachlan Tannery. All you have to do is wherever you live, just tell your local blood bank who you are donating blood for and Lachlan will receive credit for the blood.

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