Monday, June 27, 2011

Seizure Medicine, 18 wheeler, and at the Cross

Tonight, I am gonna blog on something I have never really touched on. And that is some of my health issues that has lead me to where I am today. I would not go back and change anything that I have went through in the last twelve years because God has used it to mold and make me into the person I am today. I am happy to say at this point in my life, my quality of life is MUCH improved and my mindset has had a lot to do with that. Like many people out there, I suffer from a seizure disorder, but thank God I only have partial seizures. Please don't get me wrong- these are not a walk in the park, but like some of you know there are far worse types of seizures out there. I have been doing really well as far as controlling my seizures, however due to insurance purposes, I had to change my seizure medicine. WHOA! I feel like an 18 wheeler just ran over me! So strange that medicine and make our bodies do a 360 degree turn without warning us. But know you what? I have got this entire ordeal all figured out...It was in God's hands twelve years ago, so it sure hasn't left His hands now. Amen! So, whenever you read this, please keep in mind God has His own timeline and I am sure most of us have had to switch up on medicines in the past and have felt some effects from it, but let me assure you that does not EVEN begin to compare for what He did for you and me at the cross! Amen! Praise the Lord!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Clearly...I am a woman in pain at the moment. MY WORD! Okay here is the deal. I am about sold out on the idea the I have a urinary tract infection. Women, if you have never experienced a urinary infection, I applaud you, but I believe your time will come. I have been dealing with this for 2 days and it seems to get worse at night - odd huh? So, I have been taking Advil and peeing like race horse. Well, my genius husband just come up with the idea for me to take Midol! WHAT the HECK? I have no business taking Midol cause I have no working woman parts. That went away of the Do-Do Bird if you catch my drift. Why he told me to take Midol, I am not so sure, but being the good wife that I am, I did so. Maybe, just maybe, he thinks Midol will improve my mood. Heads UP- Mood is not going to improve til I stop hurting.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thanks To My Reader's

Just want to say thank you to all my faithful reader's! Knowing that I actually have an audience out there is awesome. When I first started blogging, I was not exactly sure where this would go, but now that I have fans who like my writing...this has suddenly become very exciting to me. So keep tuning in and see what gets blogged about next...Until next time, God bless! :) I can tell you all dig the story of the "Chicken Snake"

A Taste of the Simple Life: Calling 'em Hogs

A Taste of the Simple Life: Calling 'em Hogs: "My question tonight is...does your mate's snoring (or calling hogs) bother you? I went to bed tonight and I honestly believe without a doubt..."

Calling 'em Hogs

My question tonight is...does your mate's snoring (or calling hogs) bother you? I went to bed tonight and I honestly believe without a doubt my husband was about to take flight in the bedroom. My goodness that man can snore. I poke him - he moves, I put a pillow on top of his head (no I am not trying to smother him)- he snores louder, I tell him to stop snoring - I get a very irritated "You woke me up to tell to quit snoring", and lastly OH I love this, "How can I stop snoring if I am sleeping!" Really? I personally claim that I do not snore, but there is proof that I indeed snore on video. But, my husband's snoring if quite different from how I snore. HUH? You may ask, well I like to think there are different types of snoring though, I have no studies to prove it - just like to think so because it helps me have peace at night when my husband starts "calling 'em hogs" as we say around here. As I lay in bed at night and attempt to go to sleep, I am reminded of how hard my husband works cause of the way he snores. I can always tell if he has had a hard day at work, come home went to school on-line, and somewhere in all of that, had time to do yard work and spend time with us by the way he snores. It is a given rhythm to his snoring. Don't get me wrong - I admire my husband for all he does, but I like it realy quite when I go to sleep. I am not complaining, I appreciate his snoring cause that gives me the knowledge he is doing his job well. So tonight, I'll get good and sleepy by watching some stuff on DVR  and then I'll go back to the bedroom. I know for a fact, I can not sleep on the couch with our 4 cats, BUT that is another blog. God bless each of you, until I blog again and good luck if your spouse :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bump It Up and Throw 'Em Out

Wheew... it sure is hot today! Actually today is the last day of Spring and to tell the truth one would have thought it was Summer practically all Spring. It has been incredibly hot for Spring in the South, so what will the Summer bring us is the question. As with hot temperature's comes higher power bills....I know for a fact we can all agree on this. Our a/c hardly shuts off around here and my mind goes back to when I was a kid- we did not have a/c. We had the windows raised and if we were lucky we had a box fan to put in the window to attempt to bring in more hot and humid! I can remember as a child when we moved into the new house my daddy built we suddenly became lucky because we had an attic fan in the new house. For those of you who don't know what an attic fan is, google it. Thank goodness for that attic fan cause it really kept the house cooler in the Summer. But today as I sit in the a/c my thoughts and prayers go out to those who may not have a/c. Unfortunately, this is still going and it can have devastating effects on the elderly, so my food for thought today is to maybe turn your air up a little and sweat a little cause there is many, many people out there today who are really sweating while we are all comfy. So bump up that a/c or perhaps tun it off for a few hours to remind yourself how fortunate you are.

Something else was laying heavy on my mind today as my daughter and I were attacking laundry for the week. Most everyone today has a dryer. Thinking back to growing up or perhaps being at your grandmothers- they did not have a dryer - and what did they do? They had to hang the laundry outside to dry. So I was thinking, you know- I could really put somethings outside to dry. So I did and within a matter of 30 minutes the towels were dry and they did not have to go in the dryer. Yes when we use them to dry off the towels will be rough to the skin, but I will be glad that I dried them outside once I smell the fresh aroma- just like grandma's towels. So if you have time throw those towel and such outside and save some energy. Until I blog again, God bless...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dear Ex Boyfriend - Thank You! (Really)

I want to dedicate this blog to all the girls and women out there who thought they were in love at some point in their life. I'll begin by first of all thanking my first love for breaking my heart. I will not be naming any names due to personal reasons, but for those who know me well will know exactly who this guy was. It has been almost 22 years now and looking back he did me an awesome favor, though at the time I did not see it. After getting through those terrible months of heart break, I began to see the reasons why that relationship did not work out. Call it crazy if you like, but even today I see more and more reasons that relationship was not in God's plans for me. God had bigger and better plans for me and him. God knew that I would not be able to deal with the things that the guy I was dating at the time had ahead of him and likewise the same for me. At the time God was molding me into the person that he knew my future husband needed. So saying all this, girls and women out there who read my blog, just remember that all things happen for a purpose. And nothing happens my accident. When my heart was broken by my first love- good grief not a soul could tell me anything and I was bound and determined to get that boy back, but I did not succeed because God was not apart of it. But you know God's perfect timing He will bless you with the love of you life and you will know without a doubt that it's a "God Thing" so to speak. Now I am not going to pretend that my marriage is Honey Bunches and Milk cause it's not, but it is something that my husband and I work at daily to make things work and by placing God at the head of our marriage it has been better than it ever been. I'll be perfectly honest with you, the night before my wedding to my husband, I received a phone call and this lady that called me told me not to marry my husband and that I would be making a huge mistake. WELL...I am not holding my breath on her thoughts of a huge mistake.Yes there are ups and downs to every relationship, but if that was not the case what would be the point striving to keep it a live. I hope my blog will help someone who struggling to find out if God is in their relationship because when I went through this had I no one and it was a very lonely time in my life, but praise God He lifted me from my hopelessness and put back on my feet to see what was in store for me. Until I blog again....

My Girl- You Are Amazing

As most thirty-somethings, we either have children about to enter high school, or perhaps in middle school and yes- some of my friends have children who are just toddlers and my hat is definitely off to you all cause I honestly do not think I could go back to the toddler days...I have a daughter who will be entering high school officially this Fall. And the reason I say officially is, she has been lucky enough to get several of her high school courses behind her before starting high school. But to be honest the thought of her actually becoming a Freshman terrifies me...I am not sure if it is the fact that she is growing up and will soon be driving and I will have higher car insurance or the fact that my one and only baby will just be here for about four more years and then she will perhaps leave the nest and enter college. I suppose it is only natural to feel this way, but call it what it may...I really prefer not to even think about this.Well, you ask why am I blogging about it? Cause the other day she was yakking on and on about something I do not even recall because I was so captured up in her looks. You see, for the first time in my life, I seen my daughter in a new way. I seen maturity in her face...STOP THE TRAIN! Oh my word, I needed a whole box of Puff's cause I almost let the flood gates of tears come down. Now I know some of you have already went through this phase in your lives and I am encouraged because you all are still thriving and you survived the fact that you children do grow up and life goes on. But for now I choose to savor every moment of this Summer with her and the next couple of years of school she has left because times like this are precious and far between. May God bless you and until I blog again...

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Hardest Working Man

With Father's Day only a few weeks away, I wanted to go ahead and blog about my daddy. I know most everyone thinks his or her dad is the most wonderful person on Earth, well to be honest I know my daddy is the best. I can remember as I young child being my daddy's side kick; everywhere my daddy would go, I was tight on his heels. Gosh I have so many memories growing up over of the years farming with him. If he went to bale hay, I went. If he went to cut wood, I went. If he was outside doing anything at all, he could count me in. I treasure all of those memories and that is something that can never be taken from me. I can remember on one of our Sunday walks in the woods and it seemed like we had walked forever, and I looked up at him and asked, "Daddy are we in Long Creek yet?". I know he was holding back a chuckle, but he looked at me as serious as he could and replied, "No, not yet.". As I have entered my late 30's, family is quickly becoming a huge part of my life. In my teenage and 20's, I can say that family was not my priority, but now I am seeing the importance of family. To me, my daddy is one of the most hard working men I know. No matter the season he will work from dawn to dusk, just like my grandpa did. I really appreciate my step mama for urging him to stop and rest because he would work day and night if he could. That's just how he is geared. He is hoping to retire soon and I am so proudd of him and he deserves it so much because he has worked hard all his life. I have seen many callouses and hand splinters in his hands. As he looks forward to retirement, I know in my heart that he is not going to slow down- he'll be getting into something new year round. And I think that's awesome!
Another thing that I can say about my daddy is that he is a Godly man. And I praise God for that! My daddy has never stirred me wrong and to be honest he has helped to stir me in ways that at the time I did not want to go, but I listened to him and guess what...Daddy was right after all. If I had the ability to chose my daddy, I would choose him because he is a man of truth, perseverance, and of love.
This is for you daddy! To me you are the best so just know I love you and what I have blogged comes from my heart and I know you are the greatest! 
Those of you who have lost your dad, I know he was the greatest to you. And to those of you who may not have the best relationship with your dad, I urge you to make the best out of the situation because with God's help there is still HOPE in everything. May God bless you all....Til I blog again....

New York Minute and Brokenness

Well I have shared a good bit of information about who I am over the last several months, but I want to blog about something a little different than I normally do. I want to blog about being broken. Those of you that have been broken by God know exactly where I am coming from. This is defiantly a good thing about it is terrible while you are going through it. The only advice I can offer someone who may be in the process of being broken is to keep your chin up and keep pushing forward because in the end of your brokenness, God is gonna show up and bless you like you have never been bless before. So in the midst of being broken, I am putting on my socks and running shoes cause I know without a doubt that God is getting ready to show up and I better be ready to run. I really wish I could go into details, but this weekend has not been a weekend to remember. All I can say to you is Satan made his presence and poof, everything can change in a "New York Minute", I honestly can say I think this is just a molding process that God is allowing me to go through. Sometimes He must break us in order to make us into the servants the He wants us to be for Him. I know I can't be the only person going through this. I will say this in the midst of all of this...I am thankful. I have been broken once before in my life and God will continue to break you til He has your attention and has molded you into the person for Him. So I am going to get ready cause I might be in for a 180 degree turn or could be 360 for all I know....God's in control of turning me. Til next time....Blessings to all!