Monday, June 20, 2011

Bump It Up and Throw 'Em Out

Wheew... it sure is hot today! Actually today is the last day of Spring and to tell the truth one would have thought it was Summer practically all Spring. It has been incredibly hot for Spring in the South, so what will the Summer bring us is the question. As with hot temperature's comes higher power bills....I know for a fact we can all agree on this. Our a/c hardly shuts off around here and my mind goes back to when I was a kid- we did not have a/c. We had the windows raised and if we were lucky we had a box fan to put in the window to attempt to bring in more hot and humid! I can remember as a child when we moved into the new house my daddy built we suddenly became lucky because we had an attic fan in the new house. For those of you who don't know what an attic fan is, google it. Thank goodness for that attic fan cause it really kept the house cooler in the Summer. But today as I sit in the a/c my thoughts and prayers go out to those who may not have a/c. Unfortunately, this is still going and it can have devastating effects on the elderly, so my food for thought today is to maybe turn your air up a little and sweat a little cause there is many, many people out there today who are really sweating while we are all comfy. So bump up that a/c or perhaps tun it off for a few hours to remind yourself how fortunate you are.

Something else was laying heavy on my mind today as my daughter and I were attacking laundry for the week. Most everyone today has a dryer. Thinking back to growing up or perhaps being at your grandmothers- they did not have a dryer - and what did they do? They had to hang the laundry outside to dry. So I was thinking, you know- I could really put somethings outside to dry. So I did and within a matter of 30 minutes the towels were dry and they did not have to go in the dryer. Yes when we use them to dry off the towels will be rough to the skin, but I will be glad that I dried them outside once I smell the fresh aroma- just like grandma's towels. So if you have time throw those towel and such outside and save some energy. Until I blog again, God bless...

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