Monday, June 6, 2011

The Hardest Working Man

With Father's Day only a few weeks away, I wanted to go ahead and blog about my daddy. I know most everyone thinks his or her dad is the most wonderful person on Earth, well to be honest I know my daddy is the best. I can remember as I young child being my daddy's side kick; everywhere my daddy would go, I was tight on his heels. Gosh I have so many memories growing up over of the years farming with him. If he went to bale hay, I went. If he went to cut wood, I went. If he was outside doing anything at all, he could count me in. I treasure all of those memories and that is something that can never be taken from me. I can remember on one of our Sunday walks in the woods and it seemed like we had walked forever, and I looked up at him and asked, "Daddy are we in Long Creek yet?". I know he was holding back a chuckle, but he looked at me as serious as he could and replied, "No, not yet.". As I have entered my late 30's, family is quickly becoming a huge part of my life. In my teenage and 20's, I can say that family was not my priority, but now I am seeing the importance of family. To me, my daddy is one of the most hard working men I know. No matter the season he will work from dawn to dusk, just like my grandpa did. I really appreciate my step mama for urging him to stop and rest because he would work day and night if he could. That's just how he is geared. He is hoping to retire soon and I am so proudd of him and he deserves it so much because he has worked hard all his life. I have seen many callouses and hand splinters in his hands. As he looks forward to retirement, I know in my heart that he is not going to slow down- he'll be getting into something new year round. And I think that's awesome!
Another thing that I can say about my daddy is that he is a Godly man. And I praise God for that! My daddy has never stirred me wrong and to be honest he has helped to stir me in ways that at the time I did not want to go, but I listened to him and guess what...Daddy was right after all. If I had the ability to chose my daddy, I would choose him because he is a man of truth, perseverance, and of love.
This is for you daddy! To me you are the best so just know I love you and what I have blogged comes from my heart and I know you are the greatest! 
Those of you who have lost your dad, I know he was the greatest to you. And to those of you who may not have the best relationship with your dad, I urge you to make the best out of the situation because with God's help there is still HOPE in everything. May God bless you all....Til I blog again....

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