Saturday, June 25, 2011


Clearly...I am a woman in pain at the moment. MY WORD! Okay here is the deal. I am about sold out on the idea the I have a urinary tract infection. Women, if you have never experienced a urinary infection, I applaud you, but I believe your time will come. I have been dealing with this for 2 days and it seems to get worse at night - odd huh? So, I have been taking Advil and peeing like race horse. Well, my genius husband just come up with the idea for me to take Midol! WHAT the HECK? I have no business taking Midol cause I have no working woman parts. That went away of the Do-Do Bird if you catch my drift. Why he told me to take Midol, I am not so sure, but being the good wife that I am, I did so. Maybe, just maybe, he thinks Midol will improve my mood. Heads UP- Mood is not going to improve til I stop hurting.

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