Monday, June 6, 2011

New York Minute and Brokenness

Well I have shared a good bit of information about who I am over the last several months, but I want to blog about something a little different than I normally do. I want to blog about being broken. Those of you that have been broken by God know exactly where I am coming from. This is defiantly a good thing about it is terrible while you are going through it. The only advice I can offer someone who may be in the process of being broken is to keep your chin up and keep pushing forward because in the end of your brokenness, God is gonna show up and bless you like you have never been bless before. So in the midst of being broken, I am putting on my socks and running shoes cause I know without a doubt that God is getting ready to show up and I better be ready to run. I really wish I could go into details, but this weekend has not been a weekend to remember. All I can say to you is Satan made his presence and poof, everything can change in a "New York Minute", I honestly can say I think this is just a molding process that God is allowing me to go through. Sometimes He must break us in order to make us into the servants the He wants us to be for Him. I know I can't be the only person going through this. I will say this in the midst of all of this...I am thankful. I have been broken once before in my life and God will continue to break you til He has your attention and has molded you into the person for Him. So I am going to get ready cause I might be in for a 180 degree turn or could be 360 for all I know....God's in control of turning me. Til next time....Blessings to all!

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